Galatians 4:22-23, “For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by a slave and the other by a free woman. 23 But the one by the free woman was born through promise.”
This Scripture is referencing the Old Testament story told in Genesis, about Sarah and Hagar. God promised Abraham to make an everlasting covenant with him, by the seed of his wife Sarah. Yet, Sarah remained childless and barren into her old age. In doubting that God would fulfill His promise and keep His Word, along with their haste to see that promise fulfilled, Sarah and Abraham acted out of their own human will. Since Sarah was unable to conceive she gave her concubine, Hagar, to Abraham. Abraham married Hagar, and Hagar bore Abraham a son. However, this was not God’s plan for Abraham or what God had told him. We know this, because God specifically states multiple times throughout Genesis 17:15-22, that His covenant will be established with Abraham through Sarah baring him son, who would be named Issac.
Sarah and Abraham doubted that God was able to carry out what He said He would do, or else they would have waited. They lacked faith in God's ability to keep His Word. Without patience, they were hasty to see God’s promise fulfilled. They acted out of the flesh and took matters into their own hands. In their hearts, they thought they knew best, or else they would have waited.
How easy is it to act on a decision, because we don’t think God is moving quickly enough? Or we wonder if God has chosen to pass us by? That He has left us and taken His promises to us with Him . We make our own plans and take our own steps, thinking we can do it best. When with a Kingdom mind we should be waiting for what God has. We should know that God has not passed us by, trusting that what He says, He will do.
Don’t take me wrong, our steps are established by the Lord and we do have to move in faith. However, there may be things that you know God has spoken over you. A promise you have heard Him whisper. A plan He has impressed upon your heart. A door that is too great to be opened by human hands. Something greater than yourself, and for His glory. Those are the promises we must learn to wait on.
Although God still worked and blessed Hagar’s child, as He promised to do, we see the results of their human efforts. Their human efforts to forge their own version of God’s promise failed. It was never what God wanted, and still not how God chose to carry out His plan.
What we can come up with and form with our own hands, will never compare to the perfect will of God. My personal prayer is that nothing in my life will ever be born of the flesh. I don’t want to ever let my will overpower God’s promises in my life. I want nothing of myself, because God knows how to give me good things and provide my every need. And if He will do it for me, for Abraham and Sarah, He will surely do it for you.
Keep in step with the Spirit.
Wait on God.
Allow Him to do what no man can do in your life, that He may get the glory.
Let your life be one filled with the perfect, merciful, and loving promises of God.
Let your life and the steps you take be born out of faith in the Promises of God.
